Your family dentist at Byfleet Dental


Our dentist in West Byfleet provides a full range of dental services, of the high standard that you have come to expect from Byfleet Dental. As always, we look forward to seeing you and your family at our clinic.

As an independent, family-focused private dentist, we provide the high quality dental services that your family deserves. We go far beyond the standard range of general dentistry, although we are more than capable of covering all of the basic dental needs. We are heavily focused on restorative techniques with our older patients, whilst we provide the optimum preventive care for our younger patients, this allows us to meet patient needs across multiple generations.

We have invested heavily in our dentist in West Byfleet providing new, low-impact orthodontic treatments, allowing orthodontic patients to receive realignments without everybody knowing! We also provide cosmetic procedures, like teeth whitening, bonding and porcelain veneers. As part of our commitment to preventive dentistry, check-ups for the children of existing patients are free and we recommend that they occur every 6 months as standard.


Dental check-ups are the cornerstone of what we do with our dentist in West Byfleet , as they allow thorough charting to be carried out. Most patients underestimate the value of charting. They may wonder as they sit down in the chair how the dentist knows what advice they were given during previous appointments and what the trouble spots are in their smile. This is the power of charting, but is not its primary purpose. At our clinic, we do not use charting to berate or badger our patients, only to follow the progression of any pathology and try to nip it in the bud as soon as possible.

As part of our check-ups, we often include dental X-rays so that changes in root morphology is taken into account and that your precious time is not wasted with a so-so or less than thorough assessment of your oral health.

We also are very focused on you attending dental check-ups based on your actual need, not on an arbitrary 6-month rule; patients with an active disease, such as periodontal issues will be asked to attend more often. But if there is not and if you are maintaining excellent oral hygiene there is no reason to attend so regularly and we will advise you to book check-ups around every 6 months as a preventive.

Becoming a patient of our practice

When you join our surgery, we would have your previous dental documents transferred to our clinic before you attend. The first appointment is about looking at any medical history and talking about dental procedures that you may have had. After establishing a baseline, we will take a set of X-rays and discuss what your goals are in terms of dentistry and possible aesthetics.

Many patients register with a dentist out of need and may come in with a dental emergency; at this point we would treat the pressing issue. However, should this not be your key reason for seeing us the first time, rather we will aim to get your dental health charted and discuss with you the next steps in your treatment.