Your dentist in West Byfleet on missing teeth


If you have missing teeth, then your dentist in West Byfleet is here to help. With a range of treatments to suit individual needs and a singular treatment that is effective in providing decades of use for a wide range of differing complications, we are sure that we can offer you a treatment plan that is uniquely designed for you.

The treatment we are talking about is dental implants, which is likely a procedure you have heard about, but perhaps don’t know enough to form an opinion about. Generally, a dentist in West Byfleet will recommend this treatment over other solutions to a patient who is in general good health, because although it is slightly more costly, it lasts a lot longer, making it a good investment in the long run.

It also eradicates a lot of the complications that other solutions often have and can even be used in addition to traditional teeth replacement options to secure and restore them. Let’s talk about how dental implants are used in a variety of situations as well as compare them to other teeth replacement options that are still favoured for certain individuals.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a titanium metal rod that is inserted directly into the jaw bone. A singular crown, a bridge of several teeth or a whole plate can be attached to this rod and is the basis of dental implant treatment.

Titanium is commonly used and is the best material for this treatment because it naturally forms a bond with the bone, creating the long-lasting and secure hold that no other tooth replacement treatment can compare to.

How do they differ to other teeth replacement options?

Other commonly known replacement options that your dentist in West Byfleet can offer include a bridge or dentures. Both of these treatments are limited to being placed on the gums, whether they are attached there or are removable.

This is advantageous for some individuals who have bone issues or if they have underlying health conditions that make the implant procedure not possible. However, when the jaw bone isn’t stimulated correctly when a replacement tooth remains on the outer surface of the gum, it recedes and this can cause further dental complications over time.

Who are dental implants for?

Whether you have lost a single tooth or have lost all of your teeth over the years, this treatment will be able to work for you. Because it lasts several decades, younger individuals who have lost a tooth due to an injury can find that they can move forward again in life with a fully functional smile that requires no additional care besides being conscious of potential infection at the site of the implant.

For those individuals whose dentures are slipping in their mouth because their jaw bone is receding, stabilising their denture with this treatment can ensure that their teeth stay in place when they want it to, eliminating those embarrassing situations and ensuring they can eat the foods they want when they want.