Missing teeth? Your dentist in West Byfleet can help


Dentures or bridges are not the only options available to you if you have missing teeth. These options can be suitable in some situations, but it is best to understand the full range of choices that are available to you, so that you can make the right decision for yourself both in the short and long term.

Dental implants are a suitable option long term for many and can also be a means of securing dentures if you find them to be slipping and uncomfortable. Come in and speak with a dentist in West Byfleet regarding your personal situation with your missing teeth, so you can find out how dental implants can improve the quality of your life.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is actually a titanium metal rod that is surgically placed into your jawbone and left to fuse with your actual bone. This essentially replaces the tooth root which is the reason behind the longevity and success of the treatment. It can last for several decades once completed, so in some cases can be the option for a lifetime of a lot of our patients.

If you have lost several teeth, thankfully you do not need to have several implants. We can attach a bridge to the titanium rod, on which we can secure two, three and even sometimes four teeth. This is dependent on your situation, so come in and speak with a dentist in West Byfleet to see what unique treatment plan we can create for you.

What happens if I already have dentures?

That’s great. We are happy you have taken the step to ensuring that you can eat and speak properly by using dentures as a means of replacing your teeth. However, we understand that over time they can begin to slip, making you self-conscious in social settings, in case your teeth slip and fall out when you are eating or speaking.

This is commonly due to your jawbone receding, a natural occurrence as your body no longer recognises that you have or need a complete jawbone. This can also result in premature ageing of your face, as your cheeks appear sunken and other complications.

A dentist in West Byfleet can stabilise your dentures using dental implants in combination with some prior treatment should you need it. If you don’t have enough jawbone to complete the implant surgery, we may recommend that you replace some of the bone using a bone graft.

By using animal, human or synthetic tissue, we can graft bone into place and allow this to heal. We can then continue on with a denture stabilisation procedure that uses four implants placed around your mouth to secure your dentures in place.

Otherwise known as all-on-four or same day teeth, owing to the fact that this can be completed in a day, this treatment is designed to give you back your freedom in a comfortable way, so that you can carry on with life, without worrying about your dentures.