Byfleet Dental
03 June 2022

Reasons to cultivate dental health

When we ask our patients at Byfleet Dental why they think dental health is important, the common answer is - to keep their smile healthy and happy and bright. While...

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Byfleet Dental
01 June 2022

Ask our dentist – why...

What does good overall health rely on? Most people would state that to achieve good physical health, one needs to eat right, exercise and sleep well. They would be correct...

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Byfleet Dental
09 May 2022

Ask the dentist – what...

It can come as a big surprise to patients who have religiously observed the first golden rule of maintaining good oral hygiene, which is to brush their teeth twice a...

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Byfleet Dental
06 May 2022

How to find a great...

There is much to celebrate about the great choice of dental practitioners available, but this does present a headache of a different kind – how to tell one dentist in...

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Byfleet Dental
04 May 2022

Ask the dentist – why...

When one talks about bacteria in the body, it is normal to instantly bring the gut to mind. Most people are quite familiar with the importance of gut bacteria for...

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Byfleet Dental
02 May 2022

Ask the dentist – why...

At Byfleet Dental, we have found, in our experience, that many patients aren’t aware of one of the most fundamental aspects of their oral health – the oral microbiome. Patients...

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Byfleet Dental
08 April 2022

Ask the dentist – why...

What most patients don’t know is that poor oral health problems rarely impact just dental health. What happens in the mouth has far-reaching repercussions that influence the health of the...

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Byfleet Dental
06 April 2022

Ask the dentist – why...

However scrupulous patients may be in their oral hygiene obligations at home, these cannot replace the benefits of thorough dental cleanings at the hands of a dentist in West Byfleet....

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Byfleet Dental
04 April 2022

Ask the dentist – how...

One of the most detrimental dental issues facing the industry is dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is a real problem with very real, very serious consequences for a patient’s health. While...

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Byfleet Dental
01 April 2022

Ask our dentist – how...

Choosing the right dentist in West Byfleet is a crucial step in maintaining good oral health that should not be overlooked by patients. A careful selection of dental practitioners increases...

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