FAQs about root canals answered by our dentist


Have you recently had a dental infection and been told you need a root canal?

At Byfleet Dental, our dentist in West Byfleet has performed hundreds of root canals and can answer any questions or concerns that you may have about this unfairly dreaded procedure.

Here, our dentist in West Byfleet answers common FAQs about root canals.

Why would I need a root canal?

There are 3 reasons why our dentist in West Byfleet would perform a root canal.

The most common reason is due to an infection; we will remove the infected pulp from the tooth to save it and allow you to bite and chew with it again. The second cause is due to trauma; if your tooth has been broken or damaged severely, we will offer a root canal as part of the restorative procedure and to alleviate discomfort.

And finally (and least likely), we may offer a root canal if you have a sensitive tooth that has failed to respond to any other kind of treatment.

Will the procedure be uncomfortable?

In a word, no.

Before we begin the root canal process, we will ensure that the tooth it is going to be performed on is numbed and that you can’t feel anything in the surrounding tissues.

Once it has been completed and you are at home, you may feel a sensation similar to bruising under the tooth; this is normal and should fade in a few days.

But if you notice a sensation that feels similar to the prior infection, or notice any swelling of the tooth, discolouration or feel feverish or sick, please contact our team for an emergency appointment.

How long will it take?

There are many variables that go into predicting how long a root canal procedure will take.

For starters, the tooth it is being performed on will be the biggest predictor; if the tooth has a single root, it may take up to an hour for our team to complete the procedure. Should the tooth have two roots, it may need to spread over 2 sessions.

But before our team begins the process, they will take an X-ray of the tooth and the roots to assess the shape and complexity; if your tooth roots are intertwined or slanted, then the procedure is likely to be more tricky and will therefore take longer.

Will it kill the tooth?

This is a bit of a yes and no answer.

When many people think of a ‘dead’ tooth, they picture a tooth that is grey or black in colour and has no sensation when it has pressure applied to it. And a root canal procedure certainly won’t result in that happening!

Rather, it will likely involve the majority of the entire pulp of the tooth being removed; this is if the root canal is being fitted due to an infection. And if this occurs, then the tooth will be dead. But thanks to the filling of the tooth with gutta-percha, you will still be able to use it to bite and chew food as you did before and you will not lose sensation in the tooth.

How long do root canals last?

With correct aftercare and maintenance, a root canal should last the rest of your life without any issues. To maintain a root canal, you will need to attend biannual check-ups with our team and practice good oral hygiene at home.