Our dentist in West Byfleet has treatments for your entire family


At Byfleet Dental we know that when it comes to smiles, they matter to everyone in the family. No matter what age you are, your smile expresses who you are and is normally one of the first things that someone will notice about you. We want to make sure that all of our patients leave our clinic feeling satisfied with their smile, no matter what generation in the family they are. We offer a range of treatments from general check-ups to teeth whitening and straightening. For our patients who happen to lose teeth through accident or ageing, we offer dental implants, which are a way to replace your teeth that leaves you with a completely natural looking smile that lasts.

If you, your children or their grandparents need treatment then booking an appointment is easy to do through our website, over the phone, or in our practice to visit our dentist in West Byfleet.

Find the time to refresh your smile

Most people have an incredibly busy schedule these days, working long hours and having barely enough time to sleep, let alone get time to make an appointment to see our dentist in West Byfleet! However, if you wish to have a smile that you can be proud of, it is important to visit our dental practice regularly to have check-ups, so our dental professionals can examine the general health of your teeth and gums, as well as look for any underlying conditions that you may have. We offer additional treatments such as whitening for those patients who are suffering from discolouration and stains, and can straighten teeth to give a smile a more even appearance over all. Teeth can become stained with time as they age, but things such as having crooked teeth can make it harder to clean your teeth efficiently. In some cases having crooked teeth will prevent you from being able to reach certain areas around your teeth when you brush them, meaning that plaque can build up and contribute to the discolouration of your teeth. We know that a lot of people are reluctant to get teeth straightening treatment once they are an adult, but the introduction of new almost invisible appliances have changed how people feel about straightening their teeth.

Is it time to bring your child for a check-up?

A lot of our adult patients ask when they should first bring their child to see our dentist in West Byfleet. Whilst the answer varies, it is vital that your child gets the right dental care from day one, to ensure that their baby teeth are in good condition and that their mouth is ready for when it is time for their adult teeth to come through. Usually it is time to make an appointment with their practitioner for a check-up when their first baby tooth has come through. If this does not come through before their first birthday then you should still make an appointment to have your child’s mouth assessed by a professional. For parents who are registered patients with us at Byfleet Dental we offer free NHS appointments for children, and we usually recommend that a child has a check-up every six months, but this can sometimes vary depending on individual circumstances.