What is cosmetic dentistry and why should I be interested in it?


Physically, there might be nothing wrong with your teeth. But are you happy with the way they look or do you feel that there is room for improvement?

Our cosmetic dentist in West Byfleet will help you to achieve your dream smile with a wide range of enhancing treatments.From yellow teeth to crooked pearly whites, our dentists at Byfleet Dental can improve upon your facial features.

Straighter teeth are within your reach

For teenagers, the worst news they can receive is being told they need braces. Probably because they begin imagining clunky braces of the past, featuring big metal brackets and far too many brightly coloured elastic bands,

Straighten aids have changed drastically since their first introduction to the world, available to both adolescents and adults in different shapes and sizes.

Not only are orthodontic devices smaller, discreet and slick, but some are practically invisible to the untrained eye. Such is the case with Invisalign or invisible brace, a metal-free alternative to more conventional methods of straightening teeth.

Their very discreet appearance might make them a popular choice for our patients needing braces at the cosmetic dentist in West Byfleet, but Invisalign is not just easy on the eye, it is also an enormously effective straightening device.

Your FAQS answered:

How do they work? By moving your teeth in stages using multiple sets of clear plastic trays that are custom-designed to fit your teeth perfectly.

Am I a suitable candidate? Depends on the nature and extent of your issue. Invisalign is designed to treat mild to moderate dental problems.

Can I remove the device? You can remove your tray when you eat, brush your teeth or play sports. While you have the freedom to take out your aligners whenever you wish to be sure to keep them in for at least 22 hours a day to ensure their effectiveness in straightening your teeth.

Will I experience pain or discomfort while wearing the device? You might experience mild discomfort as your teeth adjust to their position, but for the most part, your experience with Invisalign will be comfortable and pleasurable.

How long does the treatment take? The answer depends on your issue. You could be wearing invisible braces from a couple of months to a few years.

Do I need to upgrade my tooth brushing technique? Your cleaning regime should not have to change – the standard two to three minute clean twice a day, followed by flossing applies. You will need to clean your appliance thoroughly – not only is it is easy to spot a dirty and grimy retainer, but it is also a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Can I wear my Invisalign retainers to social occasions? You can wear your retainer anywhere, and people will not notice. Slip them in before you get to work, on dates, coffee with your friends and interviews for prospective jobs.

How often should I see my orthodontist? With traditional braces, regularly, but with invisible braces, this will be less, however we do need to ensure your teeth are moving into the right position.

You might not have been born with perfect teeth, but you can attain a smile you can be proud of with our cosmetic dentist in West Byfleet.